January 31, 2025

Obinwanne family loses 2 year old boy in fire outbreak.

3 min read

Tragedy struck on Thursday May 6, 2024 in Nnebuo kindred of Obinwanne Umuaka Autonomous Community where the family of Obinna Akuta, an Afor Umuaka based artisan suffered a sudden fire outbreak. From Umuaka Times findings, trouble started in the evening of the same day when some family members noticed some smokes but no one was sure of the exact place the smoke was coming out from. After some time, it was discovered that the living room of Mr Obinna Akuta, the father of the deceased poor boy was on fire. Firefighting activities immediately began.

In a brief interview with totally weak Obinna Akuta who was in real painful mood when Umuaka Times arrived at the family compound the following day, he told the local affairs correspondents of the newspaper that he was not around when the incident occurred. According to him, he sent someone on an errand to buy fuel from a filling station, when the fellow came back, he (Obinna) discovered that the quantity of fuel sold to the poor boy was less, in protest, he and the boy headed to the filling station to find out why. After the discovery of what really transpired at the filling station, they both headed back home. As they were getting nearer to the family house, they saw a large number of people standing along the road and each of them looking towards the family compound. He was curious and confused. He then tried to inquire from the onlookers on what happened; they told him that his house was on fire. He shouted. “What? My son is in the room.”

Terrified and confused, he rushed into the house and saw his two year old son lying helplessly in pains in the room. The room itself has suffered more than 60 percent degree of fire. The poor boy had also suffered some burns and was seriously crying in pains. He boy was thereafter evacuated from the room and subsequently rushed to a nearby hospital for commencement of treatment.

The following day being Friday 7 May 2024, Umuaka Times visited the Akuta family to seek the permission to begin contributions for the medical bills of the poor boy. As the local reporters were on their way to Obinwanne, a call came across to them announcing that the boy had passed on in the early hours of the day. He was two years old.

Pained by the tragic end of their son, Obinna, his wife and other family members initiated preparations for the burial of the boy immediately. Without delay, on the internment was done a few hours later on the same day.

Some Obinwanne indigenes who spoke with Umuaka Times reporters during the visit maintained that nobody was very sure the source of the fire outbreak that led to the early demise of the poor boy.

Mourners, family and friends who heard the sad news were still paying their condolence visits to the family as at press time late last week.




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