January 30, 2025

Odoemenam begins empowerment program in Njaba LGA.

2 min read

Worried by the huge unemployment among youths in Njaba LGA and Imo State in general, the Youth Progressive Party YPP candidate for Imo House of Assembly to represent Njaba LGA, Mr Obi Kingsley Odoemenam has through his foundation known as Odoemenam Foundation, rolled out an empowerment program for the youths in his local government known as Njaba. Odoemenam who is an industrialist, philanthropist and a top community leader disclosed this to Umuaka Times last week in a brief interview. During the interview, Mr Odoemenam blamed the high rate of unemployment in the state on the incompetence of Imo politicians both at the state and local government levels.

According to him, he has created a program whereby each community in Umuaka Municipal Council will provide 30 persons of both sexes making 300 persons in all and he will train them on the production of domestic chemicals such as soaps etc.

To demonstrate his readiness for this empowerment, Chief Odoemenam has already hired some Akalites who will make sure that the program is properly handled totally free of charge. For those who would like to take part in the training, they are advised to contact Mr Stanley on 09163213877 for further arrangements.

Commenting on the empowerment program by the Odoemenam Foundation, a teacher from Umuaka who did not want her name mentioned described Mr Obi Kingsley Odoemenam as the right candidate people should follow and cast their votes for. In her own words, she concluded thus: “Can you see what he has already started with his personal fortune? Think of what he will do when he wins. I appeal to our people to work with the YPP candidate”.

Odoemenam used the opportunity and asked other politicians from Umuaka and Njaba in general to demonstrate such love for the people so as to reduce the rate of unemployment and poverty in the community.



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