September 16, 2024

Oghu Umuaka 2024 wrongly calculated.

1 min read

The celebration of Oghu festival in Umuaka community has come and gone and the echoes the festival left behind still linger till date. Several Akalites have expressed deep concerns on why the oghu festival of 2024 has gone in Umuaka while it is still ongoing in Amurie, Amandugba, Umundugba, Ekwe and some other towns. Yesterday, a great oghu dance was held in Amaeze Amurie which was organized and hosted by an illustrious son of the community known as Excess Power. During the event, several oghu lovers and spectators from Umuaka were present to witness the dance.

It can be recalled that last year being 2023, the same mistake was made when oghu Umuaka had come to an end while other communities were still celebrating theirs. There are some fears in Umuaka indicating that the miscalculation may have come to stay.

Last week also, there were some talks in town that the festival may be going instinct.

Umuaka Times efforts last week to speak with the overall onye isi oghu in Umuaka, Chief Ifeanyi Duru proved abortive as the man was busy with other engagements.


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