January 25, 2025

Oluchi Udeagwu advocates solutions for rape in Umuaka.

3 min read

An Abuja based legal practitioner, human rights advocate and community development motivational speaker, Barrister Oluchi Udeagwu has condemned the rising waves of domestic violence and rape in Nigeria and Umuaka town in particular. Speaking last week with the Abuja correspondent of Umuaka Times, Barrister Udeagwu who is one of the lawyers with J.N.Egwuonu & Co otherwise known as Reality Solicitors, described the ugly development as a worrisome situation and passionately appealed to the victims of rape and domestic violence in Umuaka to always seek help by speaking up and reporting to the relevant authorities. The authorities according to her are the police, NGOs and other official institutions.

On the panacea to curb the menace, the Abuja lawyer advocated for a number of programs that should be instituted in the community. “There should be a form of sensitization program at least once a month to lecture the women on the need to protect themselves and for the victims to speak up. All churches, societies and groups should be spreading the message at every point in time. Town criers should not be left out.”

A look at the role mothers should be playing as their own contributions to their male and female children, Barrister Udeagwu recommends thus: “Mothers should be told to lecture their girls on the need to stop wearing provocative dresses. And educate their sons on the danger that faces whoever that is caught. It should be a communal fight again sexual abuse to ensure the case is arrested.”

The involvement of Umuaka Municipal Council in this fight to save and preserve the society, Udeagwu clearly tasked Umuaka town and her stakeholders to go extra miles in making sure that no stone would be left unturned while cases of rape and domestic violence are being heard in court.

“On the other hand, apart from reporting to relevant authorities like the police etc, there is a serious need for Umuaka community to send delegates to the courts to meet with the judges or magistrates to ensure that such matters, if charged to court should be given a quick hearing. This will go a long way in restoring confidence in the mind of victims. Because if rapists are caught and very stringent jail terms given, it will definitely serve as a form of a crucial deterrent to future offenders.”

In her final conclusion, Barrister Oluchi Udeagwu used the opportunity to issue a red alert to those she described as “upcoming rapists.” She suggested for the traditional method of shaming criminals in Igboland. “Although not legal, the offenders can be paraded naked around the village. It will help to send signals to “upcoming rapists.” Like I said, good and serious caution has to be put in place so that the offenders exposure to the public won’t result to death.”

Before ending her interaction with Umuaka Times, she thanked the newspaper for creating the opportunity for her to look into the area of domestic violence and rape in Umuaka. Her advice to both rapists and their victims: “My advice to rapists is that the act in question is very bad and whoever that is involved in it, should stop or face the law. For the victim, though very hard, but they should have the courage to speak up. That’s the only way to help stop the continuous abuse on women.”


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