January 31, 2025

Onwa Foundation calls for solid investment in food productivity.

2 min read

The conversation started with a bombshell from the founder and CEO of Onwa Foundation, Chief Fidelis Nwuke and his wife Lolo Stella Nwuke also known as Igolo. From their deeply heartfelt expression, “Nigerians have no reason whatsoever to suffer.” The United Nations endorsed Ambassador seriously complained that Nigeria is having low productivity in food supply because of the traditional method of farming in the country.

In his analysis, he tasked Nigerians to work towards food sufficiency by going into what he called division of agricultural labour. “Do you know that if we are a serious country, only 4 persons can afford to feed the whole of Southeast Nigeria through mechanized agriculture? Because there is no division of labour, we are suffering.”

Chief Onwa who is on a brief visit to Nigeria appealed to Nigerian youths, government and farmers to choose the branch of farming they would embrace and flood the nation especially Igboland with food supply.

Onwa’s wife, Lolo Stella Ify Nwuke also known as Igolo before disclosing her concerns in the method of agriculture in Igboland, first accused Umuaka Times of not promoting the resilience of Umuaka women to the world. “Many women in Umuaka today have no helpers and they have been working on their own paths with little or no assistance. They need encouragement and support from organizations like Umuaka Times,” she disclosed.

In her own representations, the Igolo thanked Umuaka women especially the Amakor women who have been carrying the better part of the burden of making sure that their children are properly raised. She appealed to Igbo women across Southeast Nigeria never to relent on their duties as good mothers. Like the husband did, Igolo made a sound advocacy for mechanized agriculture in Igboland.



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