January 22, 2025

 Prince Chibuzor Ojinnaka: Death of an only child.

2 min read

The Ojinnaka Royal Family in Uba Umuaka town of Njaba Imo State is definitely not in any way near a happy mood. Several months ago, Eze Aloysius Ojinnaka, one of the oldest royal fathers in throne in Imo State passed away and his royal body is yet to be interred. The death of Eze Ojinnaka put the Ojinnaka royal  family in a deep mourning. As the cries and emotional pains raised by the Eze Ojinnaka’s death were yet to be overcome, Prince Chibuzor Ojinnaka, a youthful Akalite and human rights advocate based in Ukraine died after a short battle  following complications arising from the surgery he had a couple of years ago.

From the obituary announcement which was signed by Prince Saviour Ojinnaka, the first son of the late Prince Chibuzor Ojinnaka, Chibuzor’s parents, Chief Matthew Ike Ojinnaka and his wife, Lolo Priscilla Ojinnaka are also in the mortuary awaiting burial.  The entire Ojinnaka royal family, Uba community and those who knew Prince Chibuzor Ojinnaka and his parents are in deep confusion asking to no one in particular why this blow of deaths had to come in double quick time.

“It is with heavy heart and sadness, but in total resignation to the will of God,” Prince Saviour Ojinnaka wrote, “that we announce the transition of our grandfather; Chief Matthew Ike Ojinnaka-Okwaraojiaku, our grandmother; Lolo Priscilla Ojinnaka-Okwaraojiaku, both died a while ago and are yet to be laid to rest, and our father; Prince Oscar Chibuzo Ike Ojinnaka-Okwaraojiaku (Boboson) who died on Thursday, 22 April 2021 in Ukraine. Our father was the only child of Chief Matthew and Lolo Priscilla Ojinnaka-Okwaraojiaku.”

In January 2020, Umuaka Times after a close observation of the political views of Prince Ojinnaka, decided to engage him for a brief interview. In the interview, he talked about the marginalization of the Igbo, invasion of the land of Nigeria by Fulanis from other countries and Biafran independence. That was the first and last official engagement Umuaka Times had with him.

As at press time, Umuaka Times could not establish reasonable conversations with some Akalites living in Ukraine on further developments.

Prince Chibuzor who was known as (Boboson) is survived by his wife and 5 children.

Umuaka Times mourns with the Ojinnakas over these losses.


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