January 22, 2025

Tears everywhere as Kizzy goes home.

2 min read

Sometime ago around December 1985, Central School Umuaka was agog with football match. On this particular day,Isiozi and Ugbele had a serious football match. Mazi Effedy was busy doing his football commentary in Igbo while Scottish, Emma Izunwa and Sir Ben were running the English version. As the tournament was going on, suddenly there was a slight confusion. Almost all the spectators went towards one direction where the residence of the then parish priest was located. what was it? Mr Kizito Iwuchukwu, a Lagos based businessman had just arrived to watch the football match with a never before seen long Mercedes Benz: A three seater black limousine. People abandoned the football match and went to have a glance of the vehicle. When the noise and jubilation became unbearable for Kizzy, he entered the car and zoomed off immediately.

Thursday 14 January 2021 was a sort of replay of the Central School football event. Many Akalites on this fateful day, abandoned all their daily activities to take a final look on Mr Kizito Nduwuba Iwuchukwu who passed on a couple of weeks ago.

All the people who attended the burial of the gentleman confirmed that Kizito lived a good life and did his best to train some of his family members in business. The moment the ambulance that was carrying his casket arrived the Iwuchukwu compound,weeping and wailing became uncontrollable: friends, family members and relations, all broke down in tears. Few minutes later, his remains were kept in his personal house for family and friends to view.

At the end of the lying in state, the casket was brought outside again for the performance of religious rites by his Church, Christ Holy Church Odozi Obodo. The high priest of the Odozi Obodo, used the opportunity and charged followers of Christ to emulate Christ in all their dealings on earth. By the time he was through with his sermon, the first son of the deceased, Mr Chinonso Michael Iwuchukwu read the funeral oration.

After the graveside oration, the body of Kizito Nduwuba Iwuchukwu was lowered into the six feet grave and was buried.

End of an era!


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