January 26, 2025

Tears everywhere as Tim Obiwuru is buried.

2 min read

The moment the SUV ambulance carrying the casket of the late academic Doctor, Sir Tim Obiwuru touched the compound of the late intellectual scholar, the atmosphere in the whole compound immediately changed. Tears were uncontrollable. Men and women ran helter-skelter, the masters of ceremonies were busy appealing to people to remain calm but all appeals did not achieve a lot as people were crying from different directions. A big tree indeed fell and the whole birds had to run in different directions.

After a couple of minutes, the undertakers from Homage funeral services had dropped the casket in the lying in-state room and people were called to pay their final respect. That did not take so long because the burial ceremony was almost starting late. The wife of the late sage was finally called to go in and see the body of her husband for the last time. She was assisted by some two family members to the room.  In few minutes time, she was out of the room in tears, walking slowly to her seat where she finally sat and went into deep crying.

At this time, the announcer for St Peter’s Anglican Church where Dr Obiwuru worshipped, told the audience to move to the Church building which was very close to the Obiwuru house for the requiem Mass. The church was almost full even before the people came in. In fact, as the service began, there was no other single seat left unoccupied. Umuaka Times also noticed a large number of people who was outside because there was no more space inside the church.

The priest who preached, talked about the need to love one another and live in harmony as children of God. He cited several examples of humility and love that were displayed by Obiwuru during his lifetime.

At the end of the service, the people moved back to the Obiwuru house and after some prayers, the remains of the great mathematical wizard, stickler of academic excellence, unapologetic community leader, humour merchant, father and a devote Christian knight were laid to his final home; six feet below the earth. That indeed signaled how Sir Tim, came, saw and conquered his world.


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