February 27, 2025

The backgrounds of Nze N’Ozo in Igboland. By Nze Dr Marcel C. Obi.

2 min read

The Institution of Nze na Ozo has been an integral part of Igbo culture since the ancient days. It is a highly dignified and respected institution among people of all walks of life due to the way title holders hold themselves in their communities. As a son of Nze na Ozo myself, I grew under my father, Onyenze Duru Ononibaku, (Ibanze 1 na Amazano) and watched him display these respectable qualities. One exceptional quality among these qualities is that of being truthful. I can honestly say that the quality of being truthful demonstrated by my late father and his fellow Nzes is what inspired me to become an Nze.

The institution has gone through a lot of changes and modifications in the modern world. These days one does not have to give-up one’s religion to become an Nze or Ozo. My father and his colleagues “carried the cross” so that some of us joining today do not have to bear the some burden associated with becoming an Nze or Ozo. I remember a story my father told me about his initiation as Nze na Ozo. He had to trek on foot to Umudioka town in Orlu to have “ichi” performed on his forehead, after which he had to trek back home to Umuaka with blood dripping from his forehead, a requirement that would prove he was strong enough to hold the title. Today, that process is eliminated with other hardships associated with the Nze title.

Today, I am calling on all young men who may be passionate about becoming Nze but don’t know how or where to start. Feel free to contact me or Nze Ahiabuo. Let us take advantage of the toned down process to rescue this great institution with declining population to save it from becoming extinct.



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