January 24, 2025

The history of Limousine.

2 min read

Below is a history of limousine around the world. The information was obtained from several websites on the internet by Umuaka Times.

During the 1700s, if you were very rich, you could take a ride in a golden limousine pulled by the finest horses. Limoges, a province in France, is where the first engine-powered limousine was developed in 1902. “Limousine” comes from the word Limoges. A “stretch limousine” was created in Fort Smith, Arkansas, around 1928 by a coach company named Armbruster. Armbruster’s cars were primarily used to transport famous “big band” leaders, such as Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman, and their bands and equipment. The first automobile limousines originated in 1902, less than two decades after the invention of the first practical automobile.

Why do limos exist?

It became a common way to transport hotel guests and airport travelers. Once they became recognized as a clear form of prestige, wealthy people purchased private limousines. The longer the vehicle, the further away they sat from the driver–and the more symbolically “removed’ they were from “common folk.”

How is a limousine made?

Workers cut an ordinary-sized car in half using cutting wheels. Before cutting begins, the inside of the car is stripped away, along with other components such as the gas tank and driveshaft. … A worker welds the rails to the frames of the front and back halves of the original car. The name “limousine” is a French concept that refers to  the car’s unique design. It is now used all over the world and most people have no idea that it originated in France.


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