June 26, 2024

Umuaka Times

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The Role of Divine Power Deliverance Ministry.

1 min read

The Divine Power Deliverance Ministry of Isu Njaba, the church that organized the graveside prayers for the late Mr Cyriacus Ifeanyi Meremikwu who was buried last week in his home town Amakor really did a lot while conducting the funeral service. First, the church started by singing some songs that really touched the souls of the living. As the songs went on for over a period of an hour, the pastor called the youths to bring out the casket containing the remains of the deceased. That was immediately done and full gospel started.

Brother Nnamdi Oguike, the founder and the general overseer of Divine Power Deliverance Ministry of Isu Njaba did not leave any stone unturned when he was delivering the graveside sermon. He held everyone spellbound with his sermon which at several times, he made bible references to support his sermon.

By the time he finished the sermon, he made an alter call where people were told to give their lives to Christ and some people just did as the man of God directed.

He prayed for the family of the deceased and blessed them with“anointing oil.”


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