February 25, 2025

Tribute to My Dad. BY Obinna Obiwuru

2 min read

Love leaves a memory no one can steal but death leaves a memory no one can heal. It is sad to know that Dr. Sir Timothy Obiwuru, my father, my Mr-nice-guy, my comedian, my leader, my timeless mentor, my friend, a unique humble man who was really a friend to all, an icon many people looked up to, a mathematical genius like no other, a rare gem, a hero, is no more, very sad.

Writing this took me so long to do because it is the hardest thing trying to. Not a day goes by that I do not think of  you, practically everything around me reminds me of you in one way or another.

I understand that life is full of surprises. It gives, it takes without any form of prior notification or hint but as much as I am deeply hurt that the period of you and I getting to understand each other better was not as long as I envisioned , I am glad we started working towards a better son- father relationship early enough, and I believe that you will continue to guide the family you are now watching over from the beyond.

Regardless of how painful this has been on EVERYONE, I genuinely thank God for your years on earth, it was a life well spent and your passing on just implies that you have completed what God had assigned you to do on earth. I am forever going to be grateful to God for the man that you were.

You were so kind that it is impossible to quantify the amount of lives you impacted, the number of people you helped make life less hard for, your level of generosity was quite extraordinary. I sincerely loved that about you and I promise your legacy will live on.

Rest well dad, I love you always and forever.


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