Tribute to My Great Daddy. By Engr. Eze Nganwuchu.
2 min read
It is not possible to accidentally fall into greatness as a father. Becoming a great Father is a purposeful journey. If one becomes great as a father, he puts in hours of hard work, sacrificed wants for musts, and never gave less than his best to his family. To have greatness thrust upon you, as William Shakespeare purported, does not mean you accidentally became great, it means you were put in a situation that requires greatness to succeed and you met the requirements:
Sir D. C. Nganwuchu – My Daddy met all the criteria of excellence in fatherhood and as such he was a great father.
Growing up. I knew my Daddy as being purposeful in his everyday life. He emphasized the importance of being a role model in the family and society, especially in Christian faith affairs just like Joshua in the bible, Daddy was strong and clear in his commitment that “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”- Joshua 24:15. He taught us the benefits and importance of active participation in things that promoted spiritual growth. He never neglected his calling and responsibility to also provide spiritual leadership in the home through prayers.

Daddy also kept his promise to his children and made a difference in our lives. He gave us one of the most important gifts a great father would provide the opportunity to learn and be educated. He always emphasized that “it is better to be unborn than untaught”. He constantly reminded us that he was ready to borrow and fund our education to any level possible, that all we needed to do was to commit to learning. Suffice to say that we committed to learning and God’s glory, Daddy fulfilled his promise.
Daddy was loved by many people because he was less likely to behave in hurtful ways towards them. He treated everyone with respect and always strived to make a great first impression.
Obviously, a thousand pages of moments we shared and the kindness and love you showed us and your acquaintances may still be unable to capture how much impact you made in our lives.
Daddy! Put simply, you were a Pillar of strength, support, and joy. To the glory of God. You lived your life as a soldier of Christ, and there is no doubt about your final resting place in Heaven.
Rest on, soldier of Christ, great father.
Engr. Eze Nganwuchu (First Son).