January 22, 2025

Tribute to My Husband. By Augusta Oguike.

3 min read

Attorney (sir) Chibuzo Henry Oguike.

I am heartbroken, distraught, and dispirited. Henrio my sweetheart, I had the uncommon privilege and honour of being your wife. You gave my life a rich and enduring meaning-a physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. You were an extraordinary husband, teacher, mentor, lawyer par excellence, and a very disciplined father to our children – Nnamdi and Ogechukwu.

You taught me the worth of discipline, the reward of hard work, and the place of God in the affairs of men. By these principles we lived together every day, sharing truest love, friendship, dreams, and aspirations. You were the man of every woman’s dream – my legend, my mentor, my strength, my anchor, and my lord on Earth. A disciplinarian of my time! A man who strongly believed in hard work and determination as the major keys to success.

I am devastated, forlorn and inconsolable for death has stolen a great and irreplaceable part of me –  a colossus of unparalleled accomplishments. You raised many to great social, economic, and spiritual heights. All those who were privileged to encounter you have wonderful testimonies of how you strengthened their lives. You remain a beckon of hope and inspiration to many whose dream is to attain greatness, whilst retaining humility and integrity of character. I will forever remember and tell this amazing story.

Throughout the period of your illness, you demonstrated a rare courage and faith in God. You were a model and a great source of inspiration to many people with health challenges. You always avowed that what is important is not how long one lived but how well. I will never forget the uncontrollable tears from the eyes of our son Nnamdi when the news of your passing was delivered to him by Uncle Johnson and Nze Ibe upon his arrival from school on that 28th day of June 2021. Ogechukwu still holds your photo everywhere he finds it with many questions in his mind. I recall your last words on your hospital bed, and your final video call. I will always remember!


I will deeply miss you my better half, especially in my quiet moments and trying times. There will be no you to assure me, and to give direction. The children will miss you more than words can express. Your last words to me (I love you and the boys) and wishes still echoes in my ears.

You fought a good fight to stay strong and alive for us, but the will of God prevailed. My hero, life will never be the same again. You were a firm believer in the doctrines of the Catholic Church. Our kids and I can only hold on to the hope of resurrection with Christ, and I know that you are resting in the Lord, where neither sickness nor death can hold you down.

As your body will be laid to rest today 29th of October, your spirit and legacies will forever live with me. I pray for the mercies of God upon your soul, may he grant you peace and let the perpetual light shine on you.


Adieu my king, till we meet again

Your Lovely Wife

Augusta Baby


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