January 22, 2025

Tribute to My Lovely Brother. By Doctor Uche Oguike.

4 min read

Attorney (sir) Henry Chibuzo Oguike. The Henry I Know.

Henry, it has been extremely heart wrenching and very difficult to write this tribute to you. The mental anguish has been unimaginable.

While so many started crying when the news of you transition filtered through, my pain started when I knew that our faith was in the hand of God. I was so distressed and disturbed when I knew what was in the offing that I quietly drove to a lonely car park and cried profusely, knowing that the sun was about to set. I cried to God for his might healing hand and miracle and He answered us in His own way.

You glorious life and exit has been full of challenges, and eventual overwhelming and spectacular triumph. Your first major life challenge was not speaking early and when you started speaking you were stuttering or stammering. You did overcome this challenge, because fluent, qualified and practiced as an Attorney with high oratorical propensity, to the glory of God.

You started off in South Africa as a casual hand but eventually rose to become an employer of labour. You overcame numerous personal challenges to be what you were.

My brother, you were very courageous, daring and faithful to any course you believed in. You knew what you wanted and were ready to take the plunge to achieve it. I remember when you went to Cyprus through Egypt, you came back and said you saw no future for yourself there. I equally remember your memorable stories of Agadez, enroute Libya, before you eventually left for South Africa.

With personal sacrifice, dint of hard work, focus and encouragement, you worked so hard and made it professionally in South Africa. By your spectacular success, you opened the door for other brethren to dream and join in the legal profession in South Africa. You were an embodiment of the saying that it is not over until it is over. That candle you lit among our people will shine perpetually and the tree you planted will grow and bear abundant fruits from generation to generation.

I feel very sad writing about you in past tense. I keep asking, why you, why Henry? Death where is thy sting? I have reflected on the sad and sweet memories we shared from our childhood till your last days. I take solace in the words of the book of Ecclesiastes, 3:1-2, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, A time to plant and a time to uproot.

Henry, you ran a good race. The baton is now with us. You kept reminding me that it was not “how far” but “how well”. You had faith and confessed to the numerous blessings and mercy of God on you, despite the manifest challenges. You showed extraordinary courage and bore your cross with equanimity.

You were a good brother that I would wish to have again. I cry every day because what you represent to me as an individual, to my immediate family and to our larger family. I feel fulfilled that you pursued and achieved your dream, though your life was quite short in our human eyes.

I remember when you used to take our daddy’s reading glasses, put it on, pick a newspaper and sit on a chair and our mum will humorously be calling you her young lawyer. It was gratifying that you made it as predicted.

I thank God for your Christian life; I thank Him for the wisdom and large heart He granted you. Your magnanimity and philanthropy were legendary.

Henry, I love and will miss you, but God loves you more. The book of Wisdom 14;7-8 says “but the righteous man, though he die early, will be at rest. For old age is neither honored for length of time, nor measured by number of years;

My wife whom you normally confide in is still grieving and my children who call you “tall uncle” will surely miss you. The fond memories of your visits to us and our rendezvous at home when we meet, will be a source of our consolation.

While grieving, I pray that our good Lord will grant you eternal rest in His bosom and perpetual light will continue to shine on your gentle soul. Peace be and remain with your soul. Fare thee well my lovely brother. Until we meet again to part no more.



Dr. Uche Oguike, BDS, MPA, MHPM, MFDS, RCS (Eng), Msc

(Elder brother)

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