March 26, 2025

Tribute to My Mother. Clement MacDonald Okeziri.

2 min read

I am going to miss you so much mom. My heart still bleeds even though it has been a couple of months since your passing but it still feels unreal, like day dreams, hoping that someone will wake me up from this dream. Growing up we had no money or other material things, at times we couldn’t afford three square meals a day you always shared the little we had with anyone that comes in to our home, that was how hospitable and kind hearted you were.

To the world, you were one person but to me you were the world. You did not have much, but we always felt like we had everything. You did not have millions in your bank account but you left a legacy worth much more. You taught me love, patience and endurance.

You taught me how to pray and lead by example. You praised me whenever I did good and pointed my mistakes with that gentle voice. You encouraged me to work had in school despite the fact that you yourself did not go to school. Dear mum, you were the truest, dearest, more than a mother to me. You stood alone for more than when we were young, she took good care of us and make sure she fed us to our satisfaction. She loves farming and hard works.

Rest in peace mum. Your lovely son, Clement MacDonald Okeziri.

A Poem for Mum.

IF ROSES GROW IN HEAVEN BY DOLORES M. GARCIA If roses grow in heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me, Place them in my Mother’s arms and tell her they’re from me. Tell her love her and miss her and when she turns to smile, place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while.

Because remembering her is easy, I do it every day, but there’s an ache within my heart that will never go away. Clement MacDonald Okeziri.



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