Umuagba Diaspora Org. Celebrates Xmas for their women.
3 min read
Last week, the united and beautiful women of Umuagba community of Umuezeala in Obiato Uba Umuaka were handsomely treated by Umuagba Diaspora Organization (UDO) who celebrated Christmas for their wives and mothers and sisters etc. From what the local affairs correspondent of Umuaka Times gathered during the event, more than 34 bags of rice, etc were provided by UDO and shared among the women who came and displayed high level of joy during the event.
On the morning of the day, the women first went out to clear and sweep the entire main and path roads in Umuagba as a form of showing their appreciation of the kind gesture by the UDO group. After the clearing and sweeping of the streets, the women went to their respective homes and dressed up for the big show.
Obi Iwuamanam was the venue where the display and sharing of the rice took place. During the event, Umuagba women and daughters came out with undiluted happiness in appreciation of what their husbands and brothers did for them. Close to an hour, the women sang and danced to various Christian and cultural songs. By the time a reasonable number of them had gathered, the chairlady of Umuagba Women Organization Mrs Martha Anozie called for an opening prayer which she also led. At the end of the prayer, the women also went into singing and dancing for the second time.

At this point the attention of the Umuaka Times reporter who was covering the event was sought and he was told to go on a long break to enable the Umuagba women to hold their usual meeting. The meeting lasted for more than 2 hours and when it was over, they sent for the Umuaka Times reporter to come and continue his coverage of the event.
When all was set for the main event, the chairlady again addressed the women. This time, she informed them that their sons and husbands who donated the 36 bags of rice instructed that 6 bags be given to Umuada Umuagba who were also sitting and waiting in the obi of late Chief Ikeme Oduozor’s place for their own big show. Umuaka Times also went to Obi Ikeme Oduozor when the 6 bags of rice were being delivered to them. The Umuada like their mothers displayed high level of joy and appreciation when the bags of rice arrived in a truck. They sang songs and prayed for the donors and asked God to continue to bless the donors. In about 10 minutes stay, Umuaka Times went back to Obi Iwuamanam to witness the concluding part of the food sharing event.
From what the chairlady of Umuagba women disclosed to Umuaka Times, the women were grouped in pairs and each pair got a bag of rice. The bags of rice were plenty enough to go round.
Gloria Akano, a high profile Lagos based legal practitioner was so impressed about the program. She decided to also extend the hands of love to Umuagba men where she donated the sum of N300,000 for them. Dr Eddy Ikwubuo, the Agunechemba Njaba also donated the sum of N100k to support Barrister Akano. Dr Ikwubuo also informed Umuaka Times that his wife, Lolo Ikwubuo supported the Umuagba food project with the sum of N100k.
At the end of the big show, the Umuagba women were seen taking their respective bags of rice home, still singing and praising God for the kind gesture. The food sharing event in Umuagba Umuezeala Uba Umuaka Njaba LGA which was held on Monday 18 December 2023 was indeed a big source of relief for most of the women considering the high cost of food items in Nigeria of today. This development may perhaps be a wake-up call for other communities to embark on a similar project as it is said that it is better to give than to receive.