September 16, 2024

Umuaka Charity Foundation set to empower 100 youths.

2 min read

The Umuaka Charity Foundation, a community based organization with the responsibility of helping and empowering the less privileged Akalites has started gathering data and shopping for funds to empower 100 young Akalites who are talented and ready to work.

Last week, the organization sent letters to 10 selected Akalites who will be the ambassadors for the organization and assist to navigate the programs of the foundation. To start with, the organization which was inaugurated on Easter Sunday 2023 held her one year anniversary by Easter Sunday 2024 after the organization has helped some students to buy their WAEC forms etc. On the day of the one year anniversary celebration, several families in Umuaka whose children benefited from the free WAEC registration program, were present and they indicated their interest to work together with Umuaka Charity Foundation.

Earlier this year, the organization secured her registration with the CAC which has enabled it to move to the field immediately and start working. A website which has also been built for the organization has since been launched and a corporate office rented at Omee Plaza in Afor Umuaka.

By January 2025, the foundation will be empowering less privileged young and ready to work Akalites. Those who will benefit from the program will receive grants after undergoing training on different aspects of farming and craftsmanship etc. The target of the foundation is 100 young Akalites and the amount of money estimated to carry out the program is estimated to cost N50million.

The foundation has therefore begun its drive to get some Akalites to key into the program and work it out. It is expected that before the end of the month, all the ambassadors must have reached out to the foundation and concluded some talks.


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