January 24, 2025

Umuaka Community Hospital: Can We Revive It? (3). By Dr Uche Oguike.

3 min read

Group Level.

1.The various interest groups shall support the realization of the community level objectives

2. Akah Vanguard Association, among other groups, should put in place a mechanism for identifying, monitoring and harnessing the potentials of individuals of Akah ancestry, wherever they may be residing.

It is now time for us to use what we have to get what we want. Our contacts may be more important than the Naira and Kobo that we may contribute. Let us mobilize and see how we can influence government activities so that resource allocation will favour us.

3. All development associations, clubs, unions of Akah people wherever based, have to accept this message of change for the betterment of our community. We can remain autonomous but interdependent.

4. Let groups that make donation to the hospital always ask questions on how the donated resources are used.

Individual level.

1. We have to start believing in ourselves. I am convinced that at this stage in our life, we can do something to change the community, particularly the hospital, if we act collectively.

2. We have to take this message of community and hospital revival to our nuclear families, larger families, kindreds, villages and autonomous communities.

3. Let us contribute our time, money and knowledge to the revival of the hospital. I wish to remind us that this is a test case. If we fail in this assignment, how can we be able to revive the schools and other communal assets?


My dear Akah people, I know I may not have done justice to this important topic, permit me to thank the organizers for finding me worthy of being asked to write on this.

I recommend that we put in place all the necessary structures identified above within three years. That is before the end of 2013 so that during the next convention, we will be reviewing the progress that we have made.

I am not unaware that some entrenched interests will want the status quo to be maintained and will fight this proposition, but with God on our side and the will of the people, we will overcome them and revive the Umuaka Community Hospital.

The issue at stake goes beyond reviving the hospital. It is about the reviving of our community. It is an opportunity for us to pay tribute and show appreciation to our parents who made sacrifice for us to have better health, live longer and be stronger. Those that dreamt, mobilized, organized and established the hospital. Those that had the same spirit with which, the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, the Incas built their sacred temples, the ancient Chinese built the great wall, the ancient Roman built the Hadrian wall and the coliseum and Obama won the US presidency.

We have to remember that it is what we put in that will determine what we get. If we put in the necessary ingredients, we will reap a revived hospital.

My brothers and sisters, we can do it. Thank you all.


Dr Uche Oguike who wrote from United Kingdom is the Director and Principal, Hildebrant Ltd Group of Practices.



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