January 24, 2025

Umuaka new PG holds stakeholders summit.

2 min read

The Newly appointed President General of Umuaka (that is Uba) Autonomous Community Hon Kizito Duru, last week called a stakeholders meeting in his residence in Umuezikoha Uba. The purpose of the meeting was to draw a roadmap for peace and security in the community. In his opening speech, Hon Duru thanked all the persons including some women and youth leaders who attended the briefing and went further to assure them that he would never let them down as the president general of the community.

As part of the program slated for the event, Hon Duru presented his cabinet to the stakeholders and inquired if anyone had an objection to the selection and there was none.

Before he sat down, he used the opportunity to commend the Umuaka community and appealed for their support. He bluntly told the audience that he had no problem whatsoever with the former PG, Chief Maxwell Ezike and he never went to take his job. In his words, “I never lobbied for this job. I was just appointed by the government and I had no option than to accept.”

Another issue that secured prominence during the meeting was the issue of insecurity in the community. All the persons who were at the meeting supported the idea of fixing iron gates at several entry points to Umuaka community.

At the close of the meeting, Hon Duru thanked all the people who attended the meeting and appealed to them to take the good gospel to their various communities and prepare them for the new era government in the community.


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