Umuaka Times calls for the immediate ban of Aka Ebe Iri Security outfit.
2 min read
Following the unending reports of brutality, extortions and gross human rights violations that have continued to trail the activities of the now infamous Aka Ebe Iri Neighbourhood Watch, Umuaka Times newspapers has called on the immediate and unconditional ban of the security outfit due to the unending reports of alleged criminal activities associated with the group.
About 2 to three years ago, Diasporan Akalites came with the idea of establishing a neighbourhood watch in Umuaka Municipal Council in order to checkmate the criminal activities of motorcycle snatchers, armed robbers, kidnappers and more in the community. The idea was a welcome and noble idea which got the blessings of all Akalites including the royal fathers. Contributions were made and the project kicked off immediately. Locally in Umuaka, youths were recruited and a vehicle provided as well as security materials. Work began immediately.
Just a few weeks after the outfit began its operations in Umuaka, complaints started coming from many about the gross violations of human rights and extortions by the outfit. About two years ago, Umuaka Times did a video documentary where the Amiyi and Obinwanne security outfits deeply expressed their dissatisfaction over the way Aka Ebe Iri group runs her own security deals. From that particular day till date, more stories of woes including the alleged shooting of an innocent victim, stabbing of a defenseless civilian and many more kept coming.

Today, there is a serious allegation that foreigners who work with the security outfit are not of good behaviour. Late last year, the report that two officials of the security group ran away with their pump action guns is still considered a confidential matter. There is also an allegation that a Calabar man is one of the security officials.
Umuaka Times as the only media outfit in the locality has written many reports on the way forward for the group but it seems like the handlers of the outfit are uninterested in Umuaka Times reports and journalistic advice and constructive criticisms. A good number of the handlers of the security outfit, considers Umuaka Times as an enemy of progress!
With the continued human rights violations associated with the group, Umuaka Times hereby strongly calls for the termination of whatever contract Umuaka people have with the group. When the outfit is banned, each village will embark on establishing her own village security outfit and employ her youths to do the work. Evidence has shown that village security bodies in Umuaka are more active and friendly with the people than the central outfit. Members of the outfit will then go to their respective villages to work. If nothing is done to put off the fire called Aka Ebe Iri security outfit, the list of its human rights victims will continue to grow.