January 22, 2025

“Wait for my second hit.” Peter Uwa Yaghara Ayagha Eriri.

1 min read

Mr. Peter Eriri, the Umuaka born gospel musician who came out in 1992 with his debut album titled, Uwa Yaghara Ayagha (country wowo) has announced to Umuaka Times, the release of his second album which comes out by 2021. In a telephone interview with Umuaka Times last week, the artiste informed Umuaka Times that his second album which he has programmed to be released next year will create more followership than Uwa Yaghara Ayagha. According to the comedian artiste and entertainer, with the advent of the internet and social media, Eriri believes that his second album will go places and attract more awards from his global fans.

On why he titled his first album Uwa Yaghara Ayagha, Umuaka Times asked him to explain the inspiration he got which made him gie the album such a wonderful title, when the world was just a “virgin”. In his response, Eriri said that “Uwa Yaghara Ayagha was a prophetic song. “Besides that, I said what I saw in the world then. In fact this is just morning. A lot of bad things will still happen.”

Eriri said the world does not want the truth and described that as very unfortunate.  He also informed Umuaka Times that based on contentious demand for the compact disc of Uwa Yaghara Ayagha, he has rolled out several copies of the song on CD which is now in the market.

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