“Why I founded Umuaka Charity Foundation.” Iwuaku Iwuchukwu.
3 min read
A key- note welcome address presented by Mr. Iwuaku Iwuchukwu Akuzuruahu on the occasion of the launching/Inauguration of Umuakah Charity Foundation(Umuakah Charity Fund, on April 9th, 2023, being Easter Sunday.
I stand on all basic protocols.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I have the privilege and pleasure to welcome you all here present with an open mind and a good heart to the Launching/Inauguration of this passionate and noble initiative — founded to give succour or a life- line to the less privileged and the indigent in our community. May I also use this opportunity to thank all our men of God who prayed for us today and to all of us who found time to honour our invitation. May God Almighty bless you all.
As a matter of fact, let me state that Umuakah Charity Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 2012 by me Mr. Iwuaku Iwuchukwu Akuzuruahu of Ugbele- Akah Autonomous community. I was primarily motivated by my philanthropic nature coupled with my life long ambition to assist the needy and the less privileged in our community in any way possible.
The foundation’s focus on membership and sponsorship drive has been unwavering. To this effect, membership of this noble initiative is purely and absolutely voluntary amongst Umuakah indigenes (especially our intellectuals, professionals and businessmen) who have the interest and passion for the poor, the needy and the elderly in our midst.
It’s my fervent prayer that this brainchild of mine is going to be a 120 years vision Foundation project and beyond, God Almighty willing–which is hoped to be running and functioning effectively, with or without me being in the picture.
Umuakah Charity Foundation is ours– both young and old in our community. Umuakah– East, West, north and south remains our God given land and we must do everything possible to make it a home for all of us — through this Charity Foundation.
To make it abundantly clear, the principal objective of this foundation is to find ways of ameliorating the sufferings of the less privileged in our community by way of financial support to those who really need it most without fear or favour to anybody.
It must also be disclosed here that this foundation is understudying a program whereby our indigent primary and secondary school students are empowered financially or otherwise — in areas of skills acquisition while they’re in school — which will in no small measure help to develop and increase their capacity for future life challenges. To this effect, a committee will be set up by the foundation to understudy the modalities and possible ways to achieve this all important basic objectives for our indigent students. Interestingly, a department of skills acquisition in our Girls’ Technical Secondary School Umuakah shall be considered in this direction. Any education without hands on practicals is not full education in its proper perspective. This foundation will not only ensure that our indigent students get the education they deserve but will fully equip them as well.
The project as a matter of urgency, shall also look into the conditions of our sisters who were previously engaged as “trainee nurses” at Umuakah community Hospital before the closure of the hospital. A committee will be setup, to find out a way to revive the unit in order to assist the would– be Nurse (s) to realize their life ambitions without much ado about nothing. In view of the foregoing, we therefore, urge our intellectuals, professionals and businessmen (home and abroad) to join hands with this foundation in order to make their impacts felt by these our young brothers and sisters as the case maybe.
By the grace of God Almighty, we shall not leave any stone unturned to adequately address and guarantee the realization of the aforementioned objectives and aims of Umuakah Charity Foundation.
Having all the above in mind, I hereby pledge the sum of ₦1,000,000,(One million naira) only, every year to the Foundation, all through my life time, starting from this year 2023. In addition, I and my family will need one of the Umuakah Charity Found boxes for a keep to facilitate my family’s yearly contribution to the Foundation.
On behalf of the foundation and its management, I thank everyone for coming and wish us journey mercies to our various destinations. Happy Easter Sunday celebration!!
Mr. Iwuaku Iwuchukwu Akuzuruahu,
Founder/Chief sponsor. Umuakah Charity Foundation.