January 30, 2025

Albert Okunwa commends Umuaka youths.

2 min read

US based attorney and the winner of Umuaka Times Cultural Ambassador of the Year 2019, Dr Albert Okunwa has commended an American based Umuaka union known as Akah Youths & Young Adults for the successful conduct of her Umuaka Cultural Day celebrations held on Saturday July 16, 2022 in New Jersey. The union which connects her members in New Jersey, New York, & Connecticut had since early this year embarked on intensive planning for the event.

While reacting to the event in a brief interview with Umuaka Times in America, Dr Okunwa commended the youths for their interest in knowing and learning the Igbo culture and tradition. “You see, most of them were born in the United States here and they have not witnessed any of our cultural events and festivals for the first time, it is highly commendable that they picked interest in learning our language and culture”.

Dr Okunwa disclosed to Umuaka Times that the boys did very well in all the activities especially during the oghu dance.”They trained for the oghu dance and they were able to put up a good performance during the event.

In his conclusion, Okunwa thanked the parents of the members of the organization especially those in New Jersey for the support they gave to their children before and during the event.

Umuaka Times gathered that many Akalites of diverse ages were present during the event and they all expressed their happiness towards the success of the event, with hope that by next time the event will be held, there will be positive improvements.




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