January 22, 2025

Engr Rufus Onwuka goes home in a blaze of glory.

2 min read

Friday 17 December 2021 was a great day in Umudim Achara Umuaka. The day was great because the late Engineer Rufus Eberechukwu Onwuka, a man of honour who devoted his life to serve God and effect changes during his time was laid to rest. As early as 7 am, mourners from several parts of  Umuaka Municipal Council like Amakor,  Uba etc were all around to catch a glimpse of the activities mapped out for the final rites of passage of the late sage. By the time friends, relations etc from Port Harcourt and Anambra State arrived the Onwuka compound, the atmosphere changed as people went spiritual with songs and gospels.

The Apams funeral service firm which supplied the undertakers for the VIP burial had a little delay from the mortuary due to some reasons Umuaka Times could not establish at press time, when they eventually arrived the compound of the deceased, the still managed to show some of their acrobatic casket displays to the admiration of the mourners. After an interval of about 20 minutes, the undertakers finally dropped the casket in the family house. Both family and church members took time to sing some songs and offered some prayers in a closed door session.

There was a handful of several ministers of God who spoke and preached before the body of the late famous engineer was eventually interred. The ministers who spoke did not fail to remind the people to be prepared for death at all times. They also admonished the people to follow the path of truth and righteousness as envisaged in the life and times of Engineer Rufus Eberechukwu Onwuka.

Shortly after the sermons, the Onwuka family members were called out for prayers and the officiating minister prayed God to protect the family from all arrows of the devil. Apams undertakers were eventually called up again and Engineer Rufus Eberechukwu Onwuka’s remains were interred to the mother earth at the age of 79.


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