January 27, 2025

Fear grips Nigerians as Ebola returns in Uganda.

2 min read

It appears that the troubles confronting humanity at this time has come with seven demons or even more. As Africa is still battling with Covid19, cholera, HIV AIDS and more, the highly dreaded Ebola Virus has made a successful return to the continent. Last week, Uganda confirmed the return of Ebola to the East African country. Already more than 5 persons have been confirmed as battling with the ailment while one death has already been confirmed as at press time last week.

It was the World Health Organization that disclosed to the world about the new development in Uganda a couple of days ago. It was also reported that a 24 year old male citizen of the country complained of high fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting of blood. Reports have it that the patient was being treated of malaria but further diagnosis showed that he had contracted the Ebola Virus.

Although one death was reported last week resulting from the ailment, there are investigations going on about the deaths of seven other persons who died after showing similar symptoms.

A statement from the World Health Organization states that more than 40 contacts were traced so far and identified, while 10 other persons seriously believed to have contracted the ailment have been quarantined and are receiving treatment. The statement concludes, “Our experts are already on the ground working with Uganda’s experienced Ebola control teams to reinforce surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures.”

Considering the rate Nigerians travel across all the regions in Africa, it is seriously believed that if care is not properly taken by the governments of both countries, the virus may make a successful bounce back down to Nigeria.



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