February 27, 2025

Guinness Book of Records bans Nigerians from participation.

1 min read

Guinness World Records, the publishers of the globally famous Guinness Book of Records has banned Nigerians from further participation in its activities of either setting or breaking world records. First, the organization noticed with dismay the manner Nigerians, especially women invaded the social media either trying to set or break a cooking record set by others.

Trouble perhaps started after a Nigerian female chef named Hilda Bacci cooked for 100 hours nonstop and broke the record held by an Indian woman named Lata Tondon. It can be recalled that London based Tondon was the first person who set the record that Bacci broke. She consecutively cooked for 87 hours and 45 minutes.

Before the ban on Nigerians was announced, the Guinness World Records first reminded Nigerians trying to set or break records to first of all check with the organization with the title for clarification and support. As it has been with many Nigerians, the directive from Guinness World Record fell on deaf ears as they continued to attempt to shatter the Hilda Bacci record. It was as if they did not know about the existence of Guinness Book of Records over the years. There was a mad rush by Nigerians to break the Bacci record.

In a CNN interview via Skype, Guinness World Record completely banned Nigerians from taking part in further activities because according to the company, it has had enough.



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