February 24, 2025

“I am the last person Eze Ojinnaka gave a title.” Chief Dire.

2 min read

High profile Akalite and an American based philanthropist, Chief Ibezimako Dire, the Aririerimba 1 of Umuaka has explained why he donated 100 bags of rice to the economically disadvantaged families in Umuaka. It can be recalled that Chief Ibezimako Dire,  a couple of days ago, donated 100 bags of rice through all the 10 PGs in Umuaka where each village received 10 bags.

In a brief interview with Umuaka Times last week, the chief explained that he did so because he was aware of some families in the community who never knew that it was Christmas time. “Many families here in Umuaka town do not know that it is already Christmas because they have no means of celebrating with others. They are too poor that they can’t afford to celebrate. I had to come in and put smiles on their faces via the donation of 100 bags of rice.”

Chief Aririerimba also used the opportunity and appealed to other Akalites who have the means to extend love to such families to cultivate the habit of giving and love to the people.

When asked if he was doing his first charity work in the community, the Aririerimba told Umuaka Times that he had been doing so over the years and has sent several boys from Umuaka to overseas and bankrolled all the expenses.

On the death of the late Eze Ojinnaka, Chief Ibezimako Dire confirmed to Umuaka Times that it was still a big nightmare for him that Eze Ojinnaka had gone.”I had a close relationship with him. He was like my second father and indeed a friend to me as well. I was the last person who received a chieftaincy title from him and from that day till date, we maintained the relationship to high levels.”

Chief Dire appealed to those left behind by the Eze to bear the loss and pray to God to receive his soul in his paradise.



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