September 21, 2024

Isiozi woman gives birth to male triplets.

2 min read

It was all like a big event yesterday in Afor Umuaka as married women from Obiato Isiozi Umuaka Autonomous Community were seen singing, dancing and escorting home from the maternity, one of their fellow women who put to bed a set of bouncy male triplets. An Umuaka Times reporter who covered the event noticed the women from Achara community and started following them till they got to Ima Afor Umuaka.

In Ime Afor Umuaka Modern Market, many women, men, youths as well as young girls were seen trooping out to catch a glimpse of the women, the handsome triplets and their mother. Most of them were seen opening their hands to be given powder to rob on their necks as a sign of their love for twins and their wish to have their own twins too in future.

In a brief interview with Umuaka Times, the mother of the triplets Mrs Rosemary Onwenu, told the newspaper that there was no way to adequately express the joy that has engulfed her since the day she put to bed. She also disclosed to Umuaka Times that she already has three kids.


When asked if she would like to give birth to more children, she smiled and told the reporter that she was ok with the six children she has. She further told the newspaper that her husband is also very happy about the safe arrival of the triplets.

From other sources who spoke with Umuaka Times about the triplets, Umuaka Times was reliably informed that the boys are in good condition of health and kicking very well.

Umuaka Times rejoices with the Onwenu family on the arrival of their triplets.


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