January 24, 2025

Kingsley Duru bags Leeds University appointment.

2 min read

Mr Kingsley Duru, a Leeds University trained law graduate and the 2021 co-winner of Umuaka Times Best Student of the Year Award has been nominated to the prestigious Leeds University’s School of Law’s Advisory Board. From the document made available to newsmen at Leeds University including an Umuaka Times correspondent who covered the event. The nomination was partly in recognition of his role as an ex-student of the university over his significant contributions to expanding the borders of Diversity & inclusion and engagement of the student body as President of the Law Society.
“The award was for the student who committed the most to the School of Law Community. During my time at the School of Law, I played a significant part in broadening the offerings and general engagement from members with offerings the Law Society had on showcase.”
The nomination offers Mr Duru the opportunity to “advise on general strategy for the School of Law alongside other advisory members.” The board, according to what Duru disclosed to Umuaka Times, is made up of 15 members at a time.

” The advisory board consists of only 15 members at a time, currently ranging from Queen’s Counsels, Lords, Former cabinet ministers, City and In-house Lawyers to Consultants chaired by the Head of the School of Law. The vast array of deep expertise across the memberships reflects the advisory capabilities in producing a diversified thought to meet the challenges and produce innovative solutions to opportunities for the School of Law.”

Currently, Kingsley Duru is the youngest member of the board. He told Umuaka Times that he sees membership of the board as offering him the opportunity to “stand on the shoulders of giants”.
In his conclusion, Duru thanked Umuaka Times for its excellence in citizen journalism and went further to comment about the Leeds University School of Law. “There are exciting times ahead of the School of Law. We strive to remain the School of choice for future law and criminology students, whilst providing a community where, through teaching and research, we continue to make a difference in the world.”


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