January 24, 2025

Mike Nnaka set to spend N250 million on new cathedral in Achara.

2 min read

Businessman and philanthropist, Chief Mike Nnaka has boldly taken the task of building a new cathedral and the official residence of the parish priest in Achara. The cathedral which is a Catholic church is named St Benedict Catholic Church Achara.

Chief Mike Nnaka who preferred to be addressed as HRH Eze Mike Nnaka disclosed to Umuaka Times that he is solely handling the massive church project from start to finish as well as the official quarters of the reverend father. From Umuaka Times findings, by the time the estimate for the church was made, the cost of cement and other building materials had not gone higher to what they are sole today. The implications this poses clearly shows that by the time the church project will be completed, the whole cost will be within the neighbourhood of N300 million and above.

Considering the massive status of the project, Umuaka Times local affairs correspondents asked Chief Nnaka what really made him to finance the entire church project. In his response, the high profile chief and businessman said that it was not because he had excess cash but it is something worthy of doing. “Our community needs a modern church. All other villages around us have theirs. Because of the disunity in Achara, it is almost impossible to erect a new church.”

While explaining further on why he took the project, he explained to Umuaka Times that a couple of years ago, precisely 4 years back, when some parishioners approached him to remodel the church building but after a deep consideration, he deemed it imperative to construct a new cathedral instead.

On the importance of the building and the role it would play in the community, Nnaka explained that “it will contribute immensely to temporal and spiritual wellbeing of my people.”

On his final note on the spirit behind the kindness he has demonstrated towards the project, Umuaka Times gathered that, “Not because i have too much or excess but it is a calling. The propensity to perform does not necessarily depend on your purse.”

Last week when Umuaka Times paid an official visit at the construction site, it was discovered that a bulldozer had been employed to bring down the old church building in preparation for the new house of God being handled by Dele Engineering Limited.



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