December 22, 2024

Security gates in Umuaka how protective are they?

2 min read

Following the unending criminal expeditions of some young Akalites and their foreign counterparts, the leaders of all the 10 autonomous communities in Umuaka Municipal Council recently came up with what they considered as a viable solution on how to check crimes in their communities respectively. Findings have shown that 99 percent of crimes committed in the locality is done via the aid of motorcycles and cars, the communities decided to erect security gates at almost all boundaries uniting a village with another. This exercise which grew like wildfire was done almost immediately in all the communities in Umuaka at the same time.

The purpose of erecting street and road gates in Umuaka town is to checkmate the activities of criminals. It is over a period of three months since the gates were erected by all the villages in Umuaka and more gates are being erected. The question now is this; has the erection of street gates in Umuaka town contributed in any way in the fight against the invasion of the community by criminals?

From the indications and facts Umuaka Times gathered, several robbery and kidnapping activities have successfully taken place in Umuaka Municipal Council but the gates failed to prevent or reduce the incidents. The gates mounted in Umuaka Municipal Council are not manned by anybody during the day. Only a few are manned during the night and so bad, most of the criminal activities in Umuaka take place during the day.

For now, more hands are needed in order to safeguard and protect Umuaka town and her people. Communities need to employ more security men and totally engage them.



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