January 22, 2025

Tears as Eucharia Iheoma Nwariwe goes home

2 min read

Mrs Eucharia Iheomagwuagwu Nwariwe, a devoted Christian mother from Obinwanne recently completed her life journey and went back home to her creator who sent her on an earthly errand that lasted for only 70 years. While on earth, God armed her with a husband who later left her early enough and Mrs Eucharia Nwariwe had to face the challenges of raising 9 children alone. The strong woman undeterred, still went ahead to face the task until God finally called her a few months ago.

On the day of her burial, around 9 am of Friday 21 April 2023, the youths and friends of Obinwanne Umuaka drove to the Umuaka mortuary and took the remains of the woman who epitomized hard work home in a motorcade. Because of time constrains, there was not enough time allowed for people to view the lying in state.

Few minutes later, the next port of call was the St Patrick Church Obinwanne where a requiem Mass was held for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

During the sermon, the officiating priest reminded the congregation that Mrs Nwariwe did not die but she transformed. According to his sermon, followers of Jesus Christ would one after the other transform. In less than 2 hours, the priest ended the church service and the people went to the Nwariwe family where the remains of the 70 year old woman from Ebenano Ekwe was interred for her to meet the Lord.

An eventful chapter finally closed.



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