January 22, 2025

The biography of Oppose Them Oh Lord.

2 min read

Chief Ignatius Nnaoma Nwaiwu was born to Chief Okwaraononaihu NwaiwuDuruohaneho and Lolo Adaiwu Nwaiwu on or about 1930. We are not sure of his exact birth date since births and deaths were not accurately recorded in those days. The earliest record we can find is a baptism card dated August 4,1944 when he was baptized and his age recorded as “10 years old”

He completed standard six and set out to chart his path through life. He apprenticed as a “conductor” under the tutelage of his uncles late Chief Hycinth Nwachukwu Duruohaneho and late Chief Jestus Anokwute Duruohaneho who as the foremost entrepreneurs of their time had a transportation business “Obuchukwunaenye” among other business enterprises they owned and operated.

He later left for Kano to join his elder brother, late Ambrose lheakanwa Nwaiwu He underwent tutelage as a trader under the late David Ohaya from Amucha.He later went back to the transportation business as a driver for many Alhajis in and around Kano in the then Northern Nigeria.He was able to save enough to acquire his own lorry and started his own transportation business.

He met and married former Ms. Beatrice Agwubuo from the Neighboring Ekwe town in 1958, a lady introduced to him by his cousin, Mrs. Paulina Ibekwe (nee Nwachukwu Duruohaneho). Their marriage was blessed with many children.

“Oppose them O Lord” (the first: verse psalm 35) was a household name in Umuaka and beyond, a name he inscribed on all his transportation vehicles after the Nigerian civil war.He lived most of his youthful years in Kano, Nigeria and was a proud Veteran of Nigerian – Biafran war. He was a proud Biafran soldier.

Though he was a driver most of his life, Oppose not only survived the Biafran Nigerian civil war, he did not die in a motor accident despite being on the road, all the nook and crannies of then Northern Nigeria before the war and then Eastern Nigeria after the war.

Oppose was accomplished in business, community service and leadership. He lived a good and impactful life and positively touched anyone he came across. He was an embodiment of hard work and tenacity. He lived and taught children the virtues of hard work, honesty integrity, humility, generosity, kindness and above all love for one another.

During the later stage of his life, Chief Ignatius Nwaiwu lived in Dallas with his children until October 2, 2021 when at his request, he was taken back to Nigeria. He passed away peacefully at his country home in Nigeria on October 16,2021.

People do not die as long as they are not forgotten. Oppose will not be forgotten.



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