January 22, 2025

The last journey of Miss Josephine Duruigbo.

2 min read

The events that marked the burial of Miss Josephine Nwaulari Duruigbo started on the night of January 6th 2021 during the wakes night of the deceased. On that night, family friends, in-laws, well wishers and others gathered to mourn the woman who left a lot of positive impact on the sands of time.

At the close of the wakes night which lasted to the early hours of January 7, 2021, most of the guests had retired to their different homes to prepare for the early morning Requiem Mass at St Mary’s Catholic Church Umuaka where Miss Duruigbo worshipped. During the Mass at St Mary’s Catholic Church, the officiating priest used the opportunity to talk about the life and times of Miss Duruigbo as a devoted Christian and teacher.

The priest who reminded the congregation that the living must one day die and the need for upright living was very urgent, also used the opportunity to appeal to Christians to emulate Jesus Christ in all their dealings on earth. He said that spiritual death is worse than the physical death. He further enjoined followers of Christ to amend their ways so as to benefit from the Kingdom of God.

In his conclusion, the priest asked God to open the gates of Heaven for Miss Duruigbo so as to partake in his kingdom. Shortly after this prayer was made, the priest asked for any member of the Duruigbo family to come and make a speech.

One of the children of the woman, Professor Emeka Duruigbo took the microphone and addressed the congregation. He thanked all the people who left all their daily activities to join the Duruigbo family in mourning their mother. He asked God to bless them all He also thanked the parish priest and the parishioners for all the love and honour demonstrated so far towards the family.


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