February 23, 2025

The triumphant exit of Chief Ben Okoro.

1 min read

January 7, 2020 was a very busy day for the Okoro Ojiaku family in Umuaka. On that eventful day, the remains of Chief Ben Igboanusi Okoro, a no-nonsense businessman and multi millionaire industrialist were laid to rest in his compound in Uba Umuaka.

The motorcade which carried the body of the late sage pulled straight to the Eze Ojinnaka palace, where the Uba Council of Chiefs led by Chief Ako Durunamma was waiting to receive him. The chiefs welcomed home their son home and prayed for the repose of his soul. After the prayer, 21 gun salute was fired to seal up the prayers.

The next port of call where the body of Chief Ben Okoro was taken to was his ancestral compound. On arrival, Professor Ojiaku was already waiting with some family members to receive him. When the undertakers brought down his body, Prof Mazi Okoro Ojiaku kept a gaze on the casket and called him “Ahidjo”, repeatedly. there was also another gun salute.

At the end of the ritual, his body was taken to his country home where the lying in state took place for visitors etc to pay their last respect. Shortly after that, the body was on the move again, this time around at the Nne  mnyemaka Shrine. There the Requiem Mass was conducted.


At the end of the Mass, the remains of Chief Ben Okoro was again taken to his home where the burial proper was done.


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