January 22, 2025

Tribute to Hon. John Lewis By Simon Chukwudi McBee Iberosi.

3 min read

It would have been sometime in early 2008. We were at the airport, coming back to Atlanta after a trip with the boys. I had a backpack and a few other items with me and was trying to push the boys in their stroller out of the way, in order not to impede traffic, after we had alighted from the escalator.

I must have appeared somewhat clumsy with my maneuvering, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and a voice just bellowed, “I think you need help with that. Here let me help you”. Of course, I was taken aback, but there was no mistaking the individual that had offered to help me. Thus, my surprise quickly transformed into delight, especially when I realized there were no security and officialdom about him to contend with!

There in flesh and blood was the famed Rep. John Lewis, walking beside me and pushing my boys in their stroller! It was surreal, as we instantly became a spectacle given that everyone in the vicinity recognized him. I was internally screaming with joy, and suddenly it hit me that I should record the moment. I could not take the picture discreetly, so I asked him, “Sir you mind if I take your picture with the boys”, and he intoned, “Most certainly, you may!”. So, I took that picture.

To me it was an iconic moment and capturing it was memorable. So, I framed the picture, after printing it.  It has hung in my living room ever since. I had been thinking of taking the picture to his office to get an autograph, but just could not get around to it. And now he is gone! Ah, always an unfinished business when a loved one is gone…

I remember I had discussed the said picture with my sons during one of the “Juneteenth” times when they probably had discussed Selma and John Lewis in school, and they came home trying to impress us with their new found knowledge in social science and black history. The discussion must have been ingrained in their consciousness…

This past weekend we were on the road. I had quite a bit to catch up with. Thus, at the hotel I was busy and missed the news. Therefore, when my son saw a news flash on his phone and screamed, “Dad John Lewis is dead”, I did not immediately catch on to whom he was talking about. Since we were out there for some sporting event, I thought he was referring to a sports figure. Hence, I was like, “who?”; and he was surprised. He had to remind me about the guy in the picture.

Upon realizing whom he was talking about, I was mortified… and I said a prayer for John’s soul!

Rep. John Lewis was a great and storied American. He was a special kind- an epitome of humility, service, and patriotism. I will always cherish the fact that I met him. He sure left his mark on the sands of time. His memory will forever be etched in our minds.

Our heartfelt condolences to his family and all loved ones. America has lost a genuine hero- a doyen of the civil rights movement. He will be missed! May the soul of Rep. John Lewis, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God Rest in Peace. Amen!!

Simon Chukwudi McBee Iberosi, is an Akalite. He contributed this piece from Atlanta Georgia.


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