Tribute to my dear Father, My Hero, My King, My Mentor.
3 min read
So hard, so difficult to find adequate words in this situation. Truly, I lack the words. But I must say something to bid my dear father farewell as he bows to eternal glory. Mpam, I fainted on hearing the news of your demise. I find it difficult to believe because I least expected it, but God knows why. He alone sets the time table that really matters.
Daddy, I never knew you would depart so early because I know you kept to the rules of God, earth and man. You were very free and close to all who ever connected to you. You were very jovial and never gave room for ego and arrogance. Many that didn’t know you in person would come asking you that they wanted to see Osi N’Obi and this could be because of your simplicity.
Onye Eze, I often suspected that call you made in February 2020 when you pushed hard for my return to be coroneted the Crown Prince. I was afraid why you wanted this fast. In July as I already was back to U.S. the news of your death was broken and I had to revisit my suspicion on the call.

I have accepted the fact and I will not question why, because God is an all-knowing God. As your heir/successor on the throne, I assure you that all the good legacies you left will be part of my reign. I pray to God to help me follow up or emulate your footsteps, especially the loyalty you observed, the friendliness and simple life you lived. I believed nothing on this planet earth could happen without God knowing. Today I have become the Osi N’Obi the IV from the Ojinnaka family of Okwaraojiaku Royal Dynasty.
Daddy- although I have become your successor, but didn’t you think it’s too early for me? Why did you leave us when we needed you most? Why, Osi N’Osi; why Mpa Izuchukwu? Why? May God help me to keep to your tracks and have a good and effective reign. May Good guide, guard and bless my reign- I have no other option than to endeavor to move on, no matter how difficult.
Those days when I was in secondary school at ISS Orlu, you never missed any visiting day, you never missed coming to check on me, and during your visits, my friends and classmates never believed you were an Eze as you were very humble, simple and loyal unlike many other Ezes who came to visit their children. This taught me a lot and has equipped me to emulate your foot paths especially now that I have assumed your throne. The same manner and ways you never missed visiting me at ISS Orlu was the same way you did while I was studying at Imo State University, not minding your tight and often conflicting schedules or the distance. You still found time to visit for father-son interaction.
Dad, in the same spirit of reciprocating your love, humility and simple life, I adhered to studying a course you chose for me (History & international study) and you were very happy. Thank you, Dad.
Onye Ezem, all I promise is to add more efforts to continue from where you stopped, having noted your good legacies. I will ensure and maintain the continuous peace you fought for in Umuaka. I will work hard in synergy with various community stake-holders to ensure a better and more prosperous Umuaka.
Goodbye Osi N’Obi the III
Goodbye my beloved father
Goodbye man of peace.
Your son
HRM Eze Henry Izuchukwu Ojinnaka
(Osi N’Obi IV of Umuaka Ancient Kingdom)