February 24, 2025

Uba Umuaka Community begins street naming.

2 min read

Umuaka Autonomous Community is undergoing a fresh facelift. All the roads in the community will be named and computed into the Njaba Local Government Area database. The exercise which has been ongoing for a couple of weeks now seems to have attracted a lot of interests, questions and controversies among some indigenes of the community. The controversies Umuaka Times gathered came from the decision of some stakeholders in the community who questioned why the PG and his team failed to make the exercise open to the entire community for the people to be properly informed and indicate their interests on the modalities to customize the streets with their names. Some have also questioned to know what qualifies someone to have a street named after his or her name. All these questions fall on the table where the buck stops. In Umuaka Autonomous Community today, the buck stops on the table of Hon Kizito Duru who is the president-general of the community.

While responding to the issues raised by the exercise, the PG of the community, Hon Kizito Duru issued a press statement last week where he thanked all the sons and daughters of the community for their continued cooperation and support towards the development of the community in diverse ways. He further explained that the ongoing street naming exercise has the blessing of all the village chairmen in Umuaka and other stakeholders as well.

The Umuaka Times correspondent who has been following the developments in the recent time, disclosed that the committee handling the street naming exercise narrowed the names to be used to streets, roads and closes. Umuaka Times learnt that many families have so far been approached by the Umuaka Executive Council to have the streets named after their family or individual names, while some families on their own indicated their interests for some of the streets to be named after their families names.

The purpose of the street naming exercise according to what Umuaka Times gathered from the PG, is to facilitate the job of the National Population Commission for the next census. For now, some people have already made some payments for the streets to be named after their names.



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