February 24, 2025

Umuaka Super City introduces health insurance.

2 min read

The Umuaka Super City Nigeria based Women’s Crisis Centre WCC, has introduced  a community based health insurance scheme for the low income earners in the super city. The scheme which is a part of the intervention programs by the New York based Bloomberg Foundation in Umuaka, will among other things, fight domestic violence against women and girls and empower low income earners in the community through a soft loan program.

While announcing the program last week to Umuaka Times, Dr C-Fine Okorochukwu who is in charge of the health insurance program for the Bloomberg Foundation in Umuaka Super City, explained that the  insurance program is a product of the Federal Government of Nigeria but the role “Bloomberg will play in is that when subscription records big success in the community, Bloomberg Foundation will refurbish the dilapidated  Umuaka Community Hospital for us in order to make healthcare accessible to all.” He further announced that those who buy the insurance will pay N1000 a month which will be N12,000 in a year.

Dr C Fine also confirmed that over 1200 Akalites have bought the insurance policy while the target is 5000.

On the age range for those who will benefit from the policy, he told Umuaka Times that parents who have registered will have their children below 5 years attended to free of charge. He appealed passionately to Akalites to make use of  the opportunity which he described as golden. to take part in the program.”One of the beauties of this program is that the policy covers even accidents of any sort, pregnant women and those above 70 years are also captured.”

It is strongly believed that WCC and Bloomberg Foundation New York will use this opportunity to assist a large number of low income earners in the community. While emphasizing on the need for Akalites to subscribe for the insurance policy, Dr C-Fine concludes; “What it means is that as small as 1000 Naira per month, per individual, you are free to receive quality treatments without paying any other money in the hospital.”

These treatments include surgeries such as Appendectomy ( for appendicitis) , hernias, caesarian sections, fibroid. However kidney transplant ,heart and brain surgeries are not covered.”

Those interested in the program are advised to walk into the office of WCC (last floor) at White House in Achara or contact either Dr C-Fine or Umuaka Times for more details.


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