January 26, 2025

Umuaka Times examines breast cancer and how to avoid it.

5 min read

Due to the increasing cases of  life threatening ailments around the world today especially in Nigeria where the government shows little or no concern, Umuaka Times has decided to publish every week, useful medical information on how to avoid and manage such ailments. This special publications started from last week when the newspaper published stories on the causes and preventions of kidney failure. This week, breast cancer is the focus topic.

What is breast cancer. According to some authorities Umuaka Times consulted, cancer can be defined as a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body or a malignant growth or tumour resulting from an uncontrolled division of cells. Breast cancer is common in the United States and other developed countries, with one in eight women being diagnosed during their lifetime. The most common breast cancer risk factors are related to estrogen exposure over the course of our lifetime. A Western lifestyle increases these risk factors.

Symptoms of breast cancer. What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer? New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit). Thickening or swelling of part of the breast. Irritation or dimpling of breast skin. Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast. Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.

Causes of breast cancer. How to dictate breast cancer. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists report that 71% of breast cancer cases in women under 50 are found during breast self-examinations. Cancer may feel like a hard lump or thickened tissue in the breast, and it may change breast size or shape.

Early diagnosis. Early diagnosis of breast cancer can lead to a better outcome — it provides more opportunity for treatment before the cancer spreads far. When breast cancer is localized, most people have a 99% chance of living for at least 5 years after the initial diagnosis. It is also important to keep in mind that breast lumps are unlikely to be breast cancer. In most cases, the cause of these lumps is relatively benign, such as a cyst or infection.

Breast massage. What exactly is breast massage and how do you do it? It might not be part of your everyday massage, but there are some health benefits. According to Mara Santilli and Olena Yakobchuk, when you hear the term “breast massage,” you might think of breast self-exams for lumps. But there’s a whole other kind of breast massage that’s much more pleasurable than a self-check (though you should definitely be doing those, too!).

Breast massage is meant to be a practice of self-love, first of all, and if done correctly and with consent from the client, it can help with stress relief, improving circulation, and releasing pain and breast tenderness. It might not be on the menu at your local spa or part of your typical full-body massage, but that’s only because touching the breasts is not typically seen as a “comfortable” aspect of traditional Western-style massage. But breast massage has roots in Ayurvedic tradition, explains Alexa Berman, a clinical Ayurveda practitioner. This type of massage is often available at spas that practice Ayurveda.

How and when breast massage may help. Breast massage could have several health benefits, such as stimulating blood flow and helping with breastfeeding.

Possible benefits: Stimulating blood flow is a potential benefit of breast massage. The breasts contain mammary glands that produce milk, as well as a complex network of lobes, ducts, blood vessels, fatty and fibrous tissues, and lymphatic tubes.

Massage may help keep the breasts healthy. The potential benefits involve:

Breast massages may help detect breast cancer, possibly as a form of self-examination. Breast massage may help reduce pain that can occur when milk builds up within the breast. A 2015 study, for example, found that all 42 breastfeeding participants reported a reduction in breast and nipple pain following therapeutic breast massage. Some types of massage may be more effective than others. A 2012 study compared the effects of Oketani massage with those of regular breast massage on 47 breastfeeding women. Oketani is a method that focuses on the tissues connecting the chest muscles to the breast.

The participants who received Oketani massage reported less breast pain than those who received regular massage. Also, breast massages may help prevent blockages in the milk ducts and otherwise improve the flow of milk.

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that collect and filter excess fluid waste around the body. These vessels in the breasts carry fluids to the lymph nodes near the breastbone, collarbone, or underarm. Damage to the lymphatic system can cause fluid and waste to build up. This buildup can lead to swelling, called lymphedema. Breast massage may help stimulate the lymph vessels and reduce the risk of lymphedema in the arms and chest. However, the effect is not confirmed. A 2013 review Trusted Source of 10 randomized controlled trials found no evidence that manual stimulation could prevent or reduce lymphedema.

A more recent study Trusted Source, from 2017, found some evidence that manual stimulation was effective. It used MRI scans to show that the stimulation had helped move excess lymph fluid.

How to do it. Breast massage techniques vary, depending on their intended use: Lactation. Place four fingers on the top and bottom of one breast. Apply gentle pressure while moving the fingers of both hands in smooth, circular motions. Position the fingers on each side of the same breast and continue to massage in a circular pattern. Repeat on the other breast.

Cancer detection. Stand in front of a mirror and look for any changes in the color, shape, size, or texture of the breast. Place one hand behind the head, so that the elbow points out to the side. Massage the breast using the first three fingers of the opposite hand. Apply gentle pressure and massage in a circular motion. Make sure to massage the entire breast — from the collarbone to the top of the abdomen and toward the armpit. Repeat on the other breast.

A person can perform a breast massage while standing up or lying down. It may be most comfortable to do so in the shower.


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