January 22, 2025

Vin Duru commends Rolling Hills Hotel.

2 min read

US based academic and political analyst, Mr. Vin Duru has expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr Declan Iwuala for the building and commissioning of Rolling Hills Hotel Owerri. Mr Vin Duru who is a special adviser on editorial matters Umuaka Times disclosed this to the Umuaka Times correspondent in America late last week while holding talks with him on the establishment of the hotel.

According to Mr Duru, the propriator of Rolling Hills Hotel has demonstrated his love and care for his people by bringing home his wealth (aku ruo ulo) in the form of a robust investment in the hospitality industry in Imo State. “This is what we have been preaching over the years, that our youths and men overseas should invest at home and create jobs,” he told Umuaka Times.

On the facilities of the hotel, Duru confirmed that he was deeply satisfied on the facilities of the hotel after watching a video documentary of the hotel which was made by Umuaka Times media, a couple of days ago. He urged other Akalites both home and abroad to follow the good example Mr Declan Iwuala has demonstrated for them to emulate.

Umuaka Times also tried to reach out to the CEO of the hotel to seek his views on why he invested in the hospitality industry. He confirmed to Umuaka Times that the motive behind the investment was to encourage other Akalites to think home and invest wisely at home. “You can see, the prices of our services are very affordable and we are already running an end of the year bonanza. Home is always the best.”

Another reason the CEO disclosed to Umuaka Times was that he wanted his people and friends to feel at home and relax properly especially in this time of insecurity, any time they lodge in the hotel. When Umuaka Times paid an official visit to the hotel last week, the reporters from the newspaper were taken round the hotel and they confirmed it was good. The hotel has several rooms of different sizes and prices, big compound for events and a big bar which can as well be used for seminars. On the issue of security, the Rolling Hills Hotel has professional security men who guide the facility, in addition to the CCTV coverage of the entire compound and other sensitive areas.


Umuaka Times learnt that some Akalites and others who returned from overseas for the Christmas celebrations are already lodged in Rolling Hills Hotel.



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