December 27, 2024

Youths Unemployment and the Craze for Cybercrime in Umuaka: The Conundrums. By Austin Agbahiwe.

2 min read

I have read with apt attention the raging issues of discuss revolving around the above subject matter, especially as it affects citizens of Akahland. Kudos to all who have shared their perspectives!

While alluding to the obvious influences of government roles to more uncontrollable variables of corruption, nepotism, favouritism and class, to specifics and personals like courses studied, one thing remains clear and that has to do with the issue of what I term as “controllable factor”, that’s, “the individual”. Why?

Most modern world economies of today revolve within the tripods of private enterprises, with government focused on fixed capital formation and policies, while private enterprises drive the system in the distribution of economic resources by the creation of goods and services which we strive to acquire with our disposable incomes in all spheres of human needs. The fact that successive governments failed to manage the economy in such a way to warrant that fixed capital assets such as roads, energy (electricity), and rails, to mention but a few are in adequate supply, places a great burden on the aggregate existing private operators in the economy who obviously have to demand new set of rules for employees (workers/labourers). By the way, no one should expect miracles in the short run from the government, no matter who is there, not to talk of the current reality where the country spends N97 out of every N100 that drops as revenue, in the servicing of debts. This is made worse with the attendant devastating deepening virus (inflation) in peoples’ pockets (savings), again not helped by government’s overwhelming persistent “quantitative easing” polices.

So in Nigeria, there is work, but most graduates including those from Umuaka do not get them because they do not possess the kind of skills that the economy has placed on the resilient private operators that can offer employment. In economics, we call it structural unemployment, a shift in the dynamics of the economy. This type of unemployment happens because though jobs are available, there’s a mismatch between what companies (employers) need and what available workers (those seeking jobs) offer.

Two factors to be considered on our collective path to success are the skills an average Umuaka graduate needs to get and retain any work (no matter the course studied)

Why Umuaka youths should abhor cybercrimes/yahoo yahoo (when money is the easiest instrument any human being can invent. They need to know how).

Dr Austin Agbahiwe, PhD, is the Managing Director, American Cancer Hospital in Nigeria.


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