September 8, 2024

Pastor George postpones 2023 free medical mission to Feb. 2024.

1 min read

The Lead Pastor of Port Harcourt based Gateway International Church in conjunction with the George Izunwa Foundation has postponed the 2023 free medical mission of the foundation which is a yearly event to February 2024. This information was contained in a message issued last week to Umuaka Times by the amiable man of God and the founder of the foundation. From what Umuaka Times gathered, the preparations for 2023 free medical mission of the foundation needed to be properly planned and executed with excellence as customary with the foundation. Several stakeholders in Umuaka Municipal Council are usually carried along anytime the program is to hold. The foundation however made sure that all the stakeholders in the community would be carried along this time, considering the fact that it is now about two years or more the mission has not been held in the community as a result of the insecurity in the state. The foundation therefore decided to hold the program by February 2024 to enable all hands to be on deck and carry everybody along.

From the confirmation Umuaka Times local affairs correspondent gathered both from Port Harcourt and Umuaka, no date has been fixed for the three day program in 2024 but what is certain is that by February 2024, the program will be held at Hilltop Primary School Uba Umuaka and as usual, it will last for three days.



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