Mummy, you are simply the best. And you are better than all of them. You certainly left the world a...
About 29,219 days culminating into 82 fulfilled solid sojourn on earth apparently became a shining star in the family of...
The wake night of the late famous MC and senior lecturer at University of Lagos Dr Tim Obiwuru was held...
Lagos based engineer, community leader and high profile Akalite, Chief Bob Dike has described the late legendary mathematical wizard as...
(Barrister Ms Gloria Akanuo pays tribute.) As Dr Tony Obiwuru was known for assisting people via his spirit of academic...
More indications emerged last week about the mathematical excellence achieved by the late Dr of Mathematics Dr Tim Obiwuru. Chika...
The moment the SUV ambulance carrying the casket of the late academic Doctor, Sir Tim Obiwuru touched the compound of...
Love leaves a memory no one can steal but death leaves a memory no one can heal. It is sad...
A man who lived not just for himself but for humanity, a man who believed education is a key with...
(The biography of Dr. Timothy Chidi Obiwuru) Early life and education: Dr. Sir Timothy Obiwuru, popularly known and called “Sir...