The former Senior Prefect of High School Umuaka in 1986 Dr Perry Ehwunazu has charged his former classmates to come...
The royal father of Amiyi Akah Autonomous Community, HRH Eze Francis Ahanotu, a barrister at law recently received his Umuka...
It is with utmost humility that I welcome you all to the 2nd Edition of the National Convention Ceremony of...
The highly decorated banquet hall of Roselife Hotel and Suites Owerri on Friday February 6th 2023, was a testimony that...
“I am not aggressive, I am always helpful and supportive. I don’t oppose good ideas. I always seek for solutions...
A group of former students of the famous High School Umuaka who graduated in 1982, on 3rd January 2023 held...
Akalites in Diaspora have again, identified and thrown their weight behind the political ambition of Dr TJ. Ehirm, who wants...
1. Lifetime Achievement Award for Peace and Unity in Umuaka. Winner: HRH Eze Caesar Ugochukwu Duruegbusuo of Umuele Amazano Autonomous...