January 22, 2025

Emma Ogbenna goes home amidst tears.

2 min read

Mr Emma Ogbenna, a gentleman and a stake holder in the organized private sector from Umuezala Uba Umuaka who died recently has been laid to rest amidst tears. During the burial, many people who knew the man in question and some Christian organizations were present to pay their last respect to the 48 year old Emmanuel whom, many people have described as a perfect gentleman.

Shortly before he died, Emma had already buried his parents and wife within a couple of years. These deaths have already sent shockwaves in town where everyone is wondering who will take care of the children left behind by this fine gentleman.

Emma had business concerns in Nigeria and Cameroun during his lifetime. As he was being buried today, some representatives from the Cameroun and other organizations which he belonged to, came to witness the sad end of a man who lived a peaceful life. Prominent among these groups is an association known as the Great-90. This is a group of old boys of High School Umuaka students who graduated in 1990. The group came well prepared and dressed in black trousers and black tops. Before the group departed, it provided an envelope which contained a large sum of money to the family, for the upkeep of the kids left behind by their fallen colleague.


When an Umuaka Times reporter who witnessed the burial wanted to speak with some member of the group, all the members he approached declined to speak due to their heavy hearts.


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