January 18, 2025

Fear grips Nigerians as Ebola Virus returns to Uganda.

3 min read

For some time now, the Eastern African country of Uganda has been batting the dreaded Ebola Virus. Already, more than 44 persons, according to the official figures Umuaka Times received last week from her Ugandan based correspondent, have been infected and most of them have already been pronounced dead by the medical authorities in the country. Umuaka Times also gathered from impeccable sources that the Sudan strain of Ebola is what Uganda is currently battling with. The bad news about this strain is that it has all the symptoms of malaria. This fatalistic characteristic makes many Ugandans to assume it is malaria. This has also created a deep confusion among heath workers who diagnose the Ebola Virus as malaria.

Some countries across the world have reacted to the development in Uganda. Last week, America issued a strict warning to its citizens, agencies and institutions to ensure that incoming passengers and travelers into the country would be properly screened. Such passengers according to the US government would be screened and quarantined at Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Newark and Washington, D.C. airports. “The enhanced screening applies to all passengers, including U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and visa holders (to include Diplomatic and Official visas).”

As at last week also, over 30 persons have so far died from the Ebola Virus according to official sources. Indications suggest that there are those who have died of the same ailment in the rural Ugandan settlements without knowing the cause of death. Uganda, like many African countries have no strong medical and policing institutions, there are fears that some other African countries may have been infected as well.

Nigeria, Africa’s most populated country is another country with high travel data among African nations. On weekly basis, many Nigerians residing in Uganda and other East African countries return to Nigeria for business, official or personal reasons and till the time of filing this report, there is no preparation so far made by the Federal Government of Nigeria the checkmate the Ebola Virus. Nigerians who have families in Uganda have expressed their fears over the return of the deadly Ebola Virus. Nigerians at home are afraid that Nigeria may not be lucky this time around in fighting the virus. For now, there is no record if the virus has reached Nigeria or not.

For now, there is no vaccine for any strain of Ebola Virus developed in any part of the world. According to one specific source, “The current outbreak in Uganda is a reminder that a globally connected society is vulnerable to infectious diseases regardless of where they emerge. Stopping outbreaks at the source is far more cost-effective than mitigating transmission after a pathogen is widespread. Whatever aid Uganda requires to get the current outbreak under control will no doubt be well worth the investment.”

Umuaka Times came across last week which says, “the International Classification of Disease for filoviruses (ICD-11) released in May 2019, Ebola disease is now sub-categorized depending on the causative virus. Outbreaks of Ebola disease caused by Sudan virus are named Sudan Virus Disease (SVD) outbreaks. Prior to May 2019 all viruses causing Ebola disease were grouped together. Based on the results of laboratory tests, this outbreak is caused by Sudan virus.”

The report continued, “Sudan virus disease is a severe, often fatal illness affecting humans. Sudan virus was first reported in southern Sudan in June 1976, since then the virus has emerged periodically and up to now, seven outbreaks caused by SUDV have been reported, four in Uganda and three in Sudan. The estimated case fatality ratios of SVD have varied from 41% to 100% in past outbreaks.”




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