February 23, 2025

MTN set to mount another mast in Umuaka.

2 min read

Telecommunications giant MTN, may most likely mount another radio frequency mast in Umuaka so as to strengthen more telephone network reception among its subscribers in the community. It can be recalled that every December, residents in Umuaka find it very difficult to connect to each other or other networks while using an MTN telephone number. Umuaka residents have suffered this for at least, in the last 10 years and the problem seems to have defied technical solutions all these years. The problem is that no one really took it seriously to follow up the case to its logical conclusion.

By October this year, the MTN network in the community again, became very difficult to connect to other telephone users. Umuaka Times took it as a task and wrote a heavily worded letter to MTN and informed the South African company that if nothing was done to rectify the technical hitch, the newspaper would advise thousands of Akalites who are connected to the MTN network to drop their telephone lines and move to other networks. Worried by this letter, for over a period of one month, several top management staffers of the company kept calling Umuaka Times on the best solution to handle the problem. After long telephone discussions between MTN and Umuaka Times which spanned into weeks, the telecommunications giant decided to move into action.

On Thursday December 23, 2021, a team of MTN engineers was sent from Asaba to meet with Umuaka Times and hold talks on what to do about the poor reception. Mr Taiwo Ogunyemi and Mr Osita Nwosu, both engineers with MTN arrived Umuaka town around mid day on the same day and met with Umuaka Times. The two teams, MTN and Umuaka Times visited the MTN mast close to Ama Ihesie and the engineers conducted some tests and penciled down their findings. They confirmed that the community has since been due for another mast because the one in Umuaka, serves other nearby communities as well.

At the end of the findings, the MTN  team recommended another mast and drove round some villages in Umuaka, accompanied by Umuaka Times team in order to ascertain the best place to mount the mast. From the look of things, by New Year, works on the new mast may most likely commence and poor MTN network in Umuaka will certainly be a thing of the past.


Kudos to Umuaka Times.



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