September 19, 2024

My Covid19 story by Kingsley Akojuru.

2 min read

I was never sick but one day I decided to do a covid19 test. As someone who works in the healthcare department, I knew there was a need for that. Three days after I did the Covid19 test, I started to notice difficulties in breathing, persistent cough and more. I could not understand what really happened to me because I was also thinking that I have exposed myself to a lot of people. (The day I went for the test, many people were there at the hospital).

In the heat of this, my son tested positive to Covid19 and I called my hospital to inform them of the latest development.   After holding talks with the hospital, I was instructed to repeat the test since a family member had already tested positive. On the same day, I went for a repeat test. Minutes later, the test was carried out and dear God, I tested positive to Covid19.

The hospital health workers under Covid19 emergency department, took serious note over my case. Contract tracing both with colleagues and others immediately began with full implementation. The whole thing was like a nightmare to me as I was advised to stay home for two weeks. Despite staying away from work for two weeks, I was being paid. A couple of weeks ago, we totally recovered from Covid19.

On further developments, just last week, I went for my vaccine. There are three types of vaccine and one has to choose the one he or she likes. Remember, it is not by force. It is just your personal decision to take it or not.

It is worthy to note here that almost all members of my family suffered Covid19 but glory be to God that we all survived it and we are totally fine now.

Kingsley Akojuru, a gerontologist and medical instruments technician sent this piece from Canada.

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